15. Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.”
16. Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “ Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.” (Gen28:15-16)
I pray that God will give us accurate knowledge and understanding of His presence and dealings with our lives!
God said to jacob in the vision, ” Behold, I am with you…” (Gen28:15), but see what Jacob said when he woke up from the vision, ” …Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.” (Gen28:16)! God said, ” i am with you“, and Jacob said, ” surely the Lord is in this place“!
God is not in “places” but God is in “peoples” (His children)! God is not interested in places but in people! God does not dwell in temples made by human hands God dwells in us. (1Cor3:16)
Throughout the Bible God keep on saying , “ i am with you” , meaning people not places.
God was with Jacob but Jacob said and thought God was in that place. Jacob thought He met God in that place. God had never been in that place before , He only came there because Jacob was there! Its Jacob who attracted God to that place.
Many Christians today miss it, they think God stays in a place called Church and that’s where they go to meet Him every Sunday…. The presence we sense in Church is not always there… No. That presence manifest because God’s children have gathered there in fellowship and to worship the Father in Spirit and truth. (Mtt18:20)….where two or three gather in my name i will be in their midst!! When we gather in the Church , His presence manifest!
God said to Jacob , i am with you and i will be with wherever you go and i will bring you back!
This mentality of God being in a place and we have to go to that place to meet Him on sunday robs you of the joy of enjoying the ever abiding presence of God!
Children of God walk, from Monday to Saturday, with the faulty sense of the absence of God’s presence.. many are ignorant of God’s presence being with them wherever they are in the process of the week.
This message comes to open your understanding to know that God is with you all the time and in all places. God is with you in your home, at your work , in the streets, in the market places, in Church ……. wherever you are as a believer, God is with you.
God is with you every where to protect, to guide you, to teach you, to help you, to give you peace and joy, to give success and victory……