40. Let all things be done decently and in order (1Cor14:40) .
You have heard of this popular statement, ” doing the right thing at the right time and in the right place”! The Bible says that there’s time for every purpose under the heaven and that God has made everything beautiful in its time (Eccl3:1,11) .
Doing things decently and in order means that you ought to know the things that are expected of you as a Christian in your day to day life. For example , you are expected to pray daily, you are expected to read your Bible, you are expected to fulfill your marital roles in your marriage, you are expected to take care of your children, you have friends in your life etc etc.. Order means you place everything in its right place and in its order of priority. When you mix up things you end up in confusion. Disorder is the root of confusion and confusion is the root of mediocrity and failure!
Put first things first like, ” seek first the kingdom of God…” (Mtt6:33) . Jesus used to wake early and prayed and then after He started His work of ministering to people. (Luk21:37-38) .
Order and decency means you pray when its the right time to pray and you pray in the right place designated for prayer!
Order and decency means that you are at work at the right time and when you are at work you do the work at the place of work its expected of you.
Watch out for the next edition…..also remember to share these teachings with friends. Freely you are given freely give.