These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers. (Act1:14) .
Jesus commanded His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until the power from above come upon them. (Luk24:49) . Waiting upon the Lord means Prayer. We wait for God’s power and anointing through prayer.
So the disciples prayed for 10 days waiting and seeking God’s power from above. And God Heard their prayers and poured out His Spirit upon them and what happened after that day was a mighty Revival and the birth of the Church.
Praying together was the key to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as the Bible says in (Acts2:1-4) .
Dear ones, as we come together to pray for God to pour out His Spirit upon Bugesera lets have the full assurance of faith that God is going to do it and our eyes will see a mighty Revival in this land and a mighty Church will spring up for God’s glory. Lets pray in one accord, unity and love.
Lets be committed to this heavenly call and cause. They prayed for 10 days and refused to give up.
Lets not give up on the way but lets keep praying till June when we shall have a great gathering together to see the rain fall from heaven. We are God’s army, victory belongs to us in Jesus name.