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18.praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—

19.and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, (Eph6:18-19)

I spent time and effort to give you the picture of the power of prayer in the transformation of Bugesera. Many changes have drastically taken place since 2004 after the prayer campaign in many sectors.

One area has not grown as it should have and that’s the Church of Christ. As i answer the call of God for this territory i sense responsibility of building a glorious, Strong and exemplary Church that will be light in this region and beyond, a Church that will be Relevant to meet the real needs of people of Bugesera.

The Church am talking about is the body of Christ as a whole in Bugesera not just the church am going to give birth to soon.

I sense we need another prayer campaign that will focus on praying for the Church of Christ in this district. I would like to mobilize a prayer task force to carry out this campaign. I can’t do this alone though. Paul asked the church to pray for him as he endeavored to fulfill his gospel mandate. Esther asked Mordecai and the jews to pray and fast for her as she was going to embark on a very risky task. Jesus asked his disciples to pray for him just for one hour in His battle to save humanity by death on the cross.

I would like to ask you personally to stand with me as i undertake this divine mission from above to see the glory of God manifest in Bugesera to raise up a glorious Church.

I would like to use the Jesus idea, ” praying with me for one hour every Wednesday from 6-7pm“. 🙂 
I would like us to do this campaign until the month of June when we will organize a huge prayer day that will be physical in Bugesera to finalize the prayer campaign.

How to participate: 🙄 

1. I am going to create a group for all participants to help us flow together and communicate well.
2. We will have a prayer hour online every Wednesday from 6-7pm.
3. In case, you are unable to join the prayer online with others for one reason or another, then you are free to find a convenient time to pray for that one hour.


God bless you so much.

Pr Paddy
