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Imitators of God…

1.Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. (Eph5:1)

What a statement! “Be imitators of God”….God cannot command us to do what’s impossible for us to do!

It’s possible for a believer or christian to imitate God. In vs 2 He shows us in which way we are to imitate God, ie, to walk in love as Christ (who is the image of God) did…

In other words, God is love and because of His love for us He gave His Son to die for us. Christ the Son of God is the image of God, He also loved us and died for us. Therefore we are asked to also imitate God and His Son and walk in love…

Is it possible for a believer to walk the way God and His Son walk? Yes it…

How? We are sons of God. Since we are born of God then God’s nature or seed is in our spiritual makeup…”having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever,” (1Pet1:23), again , “ Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous . (1Jn3:7)

Our new creation spirit man has the nature of God and this is nature that produces God’s or Christlikeness in a believer…1Jn3:7 says little children (spiritual children of God), we can practice righteousness because children of God are righteous spiritually as our Father (He) is righteous.

Christianity is “in-out” not , “out – in” (Phil1:6, Phil2:12-13).. what God”s nature works or does in our inner man is what comes out in the natural realm. Therefore, our imitation of God comes from our being. Our doing (Conduct) comes from our being (nature)!
